A record of our road trip though the 48 mainland States!
We have a place booked for the rv in New Orleans on Tuesday so we're going to stay here again tomorrow and have a longer drive to get there. But its worth it because its so perfect here!
We found out earlier that day that our RV park in Jersey City was fully booked. This meant our only option was to find a hotel cheap enough, in the right area, and with somewhere to park the rv. Not an easy task, but we managed to find a Ramada in central Jersey City with a good rate and access to trains for Manhattan. We weren't sure about the parking but we took a gamble and booked the hotel.
We got up at 7.30 and arrived at the hotel at around 1pm. We had a nightmare with parking! They sent us to a car park but it was height restricted. We then asked if we could use one of their spaces at the back, but we wouldn't fit in the ones offered. Then they told us to try a few blocks away...we walked over to check it out, offered the bloke double the cost of a normal day but he wouldn't take it. We pretty much ran out of options in the end so we went back to the hotel and luckily the manager was there who kindly let us put it in one of the employee spaces. Its basically squeezed into a corner of the parking lot behind the hotel. its perfect though, because its free and also really safe.
With the parking sorted we got checked into the room and relaxed for a bit before heading over to the city. The train only takes 20 minutes and takes us right within a few blocks of Times Square. We had a wander about and had a really expensive beer in a bar before heading back to the hotel. We were shattered after a long day but glad to have it all sorted and looking forward to a few days in New York!
Today we visited the Statue of Liberty. We got off the train at the World Trade Center stop. As you might guess, its fairly obvious where the World Trade Center site was. Its all being built on now but the massive space between the other buildings is quite clear. It was only a short walk to the dock but the queue was massive for the ferry. We eventually got on and 10 minutes later we were at Liberty Island. I was hoping that it wouldn't be smaller than expected like Mount Rushmore. I wasn't disappointed as it was a really impressive sight! The weather started to turn as we were finished on the Island. A big thunderstorm had moved in and it started to pour with rain as we got back on the ferry. When we got off we were soaked and there were massive puddles everywhere, so we just headed back to the hotel and ordered in some pizzas.
We're going up the Empire State building tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get some better weather the next couple of days!
During the day we wanted to go to the Fields Natural history museum in the city. Unfortunately we had a nightmare finding places to park. The museum was on the shore of the lake so we expected there to be a lot more space for parking there, but it was all multi-story. We searched for a few different car parks and ended up driving right through the centre of the city, so at least we got to see quite a bit of Chicago even though it was from the van. We gave up on the museum idea and headed away from the centre to get some shopping at a walmart. After this we still had a lot of time to fill before the gig, so we decided to try the cinema. We found a couple but the first one had nowhere to park and the second one wasn'y showing anything we wanted to see! It was actually pretty late by now as we had to take long routes due to loads of low bridges that we couldn't get under. We just headed for the United Centre for the gig and got some food on the way. I would definitely like to visit Chicago again to get a proper look around. Once the gig was over we had to drive for an hour and a half to an rv park we had found. We arrived at about 1am so just found a free spot to park.
The next day we left the park, passing through Indiana and into southern Michigan where we camped a couple of nights. I had read that this area of the country had a lot of Amish living there. There were a lot of signs warning about horse drawn vehicles, and we did actually see some Amish people with a horse and cart going along one of the roads we were on.
We had decided to go to a shooting range at some point and found one in the outskirts of Detroit which was on our route. (http://www.firinglineguns.com/) It was at a gun shop where we literally walked in, filled out a form, then picked from a cabinet of guns which ones we would like to hire for $10 an hour. We were shown how to fill the magazines and talked through the safety rules then were left to shoot on the range until the ammo we bought had ran out. It was a lot of fun and will probably go again during the trip.
We left the range and headed north past Detroit towards the Canadian border. We paid a toll to go over the bridge and then had to sit in a queue for the actual border where we showed our passports. They asked us a few questions and needed to see the lease agreement for the van which I thought would do, but then they told us to pull into the search area by the immigration offices. We had to stand away from the rv while 4 people searched inside and outside. They then decided they would have the sniffer dog check inside too. They used two dogs infact! I realised whilst they were doing this that we had left on the table; two massive paper targets with loads of bullet holes in them..! They didn't even ask us about that though. They were just interested in why we wanted to go into Canada and how long we would be in the country. Eventually they stamped the passports and we were on our way. We had to navigate without the sat nav for the first time as it doesn't have Canadian maps. We were fine though, and made it to the campsite after about an hour.
Today we drove about 3 hours and are now just south of Niagara falls which we will be visiting tomorrow!
We are now 20 or so miles north in Rapid City. It was really hot again yesterday and this morning, but then the weather changed and we had quite a long thunderstorm. The wind really shook the van about. It eventually cleared up and we went to play mini golf at a place we spotted yesterday. Hopefully going to have a BBQ if the weather stays as it is. Moving on tomorrow across the state, to a place called Mitchell. Probably only for one night on our way to Minneapolis.
After Coeur D'Alene we moved on into Montana. We spent one night in Missoula before heading down to Yellowstone. We stayed just outside Yellowstone and the next day we drove through the park to visit the main attractions. We could have spent a lot more time there but the weather was bad and forecast to be bad all week, so we decided to see what we could in one day and move on.
The drive provided some good sights along the way including elk and bison right next to the road. We stopped for an hour or two at Old Faithful where there was a short walk around all the different geysers. The weather was ok at this point but as we got back to Old Faithful it started to rain and gradually get heavier. The geyser erupts regularly and the times are predicted. We had to wait about half an hour but the predicted time was fairly accurate. it wasn't as impressive as I had expected, but the more impressive ones only erupt every 11 hours or more. On the path near the geyser there was a large herd of bison which we could get remarkably close to. They seemed pretty calm animals.
We stayed just outside the East entrance of Yellowstone at an RV park that was also part of a motel. There was a creepy old house on the hill behind the motel which looked like a scene from Psycho.
From here we headed right across Wyoming to Sundance, the town where the Sundance Kid got his name after being jailed there. We stayed two nights and checked out the town. There wasn't too much to see but there was a small museum in the basement of the police station which had original documents from the Sundance Kid's arrest and imprisonment.
We left Sundance today for Custer in South Dakota. Along the way we visited Mount Rushmore which was impressive, but not as much as we had expected it to be. It was a lot higher and further away from the viewing platform than I imagined so it didn't seem as big.
We're here for a couple more nights now. Going to visit Wind Cave National Park tomorrow, then watching the new Transformers the day after..
We left Forks and headed off the Olympic peninsula by ferry to the group of islands North of Seattle.
We stayed the night near a town called Anacortes where we went to another brewery for some dinner. The food was probably the best meal we have had. The beer was good too, so I bought half a gallon of it and they gave us 2 free drinks too!
Next day we drove to a place called Concrete which was a random personal goal of ours to visit this place. We took some pictures and drove down to the North outskirts of Seattle where we stayed one night.
We only spent one day actually in Seattle but managed to fit quite a bit in. We went to the Space Needle which had amazing views of the city. This took up quite a bit of time due to the parking being quite tough to find for a 25ft RV.
After the Space Needle we headed toward our next park where we checked in, then headed out straight away to play mini golf and get some food. Once we finished eating we went to a drive-in movie theatre, just to experience it basically. We had to be at the back but the view was still pretty good.
Since Seattle we have driven to Idaho with one stop half way at Moses Lake:
We are now at Coeur D'Alene for 3 nights. The weather is hot and dry mostly here. We went to play golf today but ended up just on the driving range - I think some more practise is needed! We're going to check out the town tomorrow as its within walking distance, then will be heading into Montana and onto Yellowstone.
Before we left Tillamook we took the RV to a garage to get the oil topped up, tyres and transmission fluid checked etc. Then we headed north out of Oregon and into Washington state. We were aiming to stay at the RV park owned by the guy who leased us the RV. This was at a place called Grayland, halfway up the Washington coast. The weather finally changed and we have sunny clear skies rather than endless clouds like our whole time in Oregon.
Today we left Grayland, stopped off in Aberdeen to get some lunch, use the wifi and see the Hangover again (yep, its that good!). After this we were back on the road to Forks. This is a town on the west side of the Olympic national park which we will visit tomorrow. The park is quite big so we can only visit a few highlights. Tomorrow will be the Hoh Rain forest which is one of the few temperate rain forests in the world. We'll be moving to the North side of the park in a couple of days and then on to Seattle.
We left Klamath and headed north towards our next state which is Oregon. We couldnt make the drive to Crater Lake in one day so we stayed a couple of hours away. This is where we headed today. Its been warm all day but there has always been rain on the horizon.
There was still a lot of snow either side of the road up to the lake, and at the visitor centre it was really deep. The views were fantastic even though the weather wasnt great. We took some pictures and then headed out the north side of the park.
The drive was another couple of hours to our next stop at a town called Sutherlin. The storm caught up with us for this drive and we had heavy rain for the majority of the journey. It had stopped by the time we arrived so we got set up and had a bbq. The RV park has a big prjection screen in the corner like a drive-in movie, you just tune your car radio to get the audio. Most of the rv sites have a view on the screen too. It would be interesting to see it in action but they arent showing anything until saturday.
We'll stay here a couple of nights and then were heading up to Salem.
We had Alacatraz booked for our last day. It was foggy over the bay as it had been every other day, and on the island it was really windy. A free audio tour was included which had former guards and inmates telling stories to guide you through which was very interesting. It was a surprise to see how small the cells were and how narrow the corridors are. The audio tour didnt point out all the specific cells that people like Al Capone occupied which I thought it would, but it definitely wasnt a disappointment. Heres a picture of Geo in "The hole", one of the isolation cells.
Yesterday we left San Francisco and headed for Eureka which was a 5 hour 250 mile drive. Its a town on the coast not far from the Northern border of California with Oregon. The weather was sunny all the way until we got to the town where we have more fog. Its pretty cold out so were hoping it will improve again as we head inland. Were visiting a brewery for lunch today and going to the cinema, then going to an rv park near redwood national park.
Yesterday we got up early for a change to use the coin-op laundry in the village near our rv park, Greeley Hill. While we waited we went for breakfast in a small cafe. It was a really local place with stuffed deer heads and such on the walls, but the food was very good.
With the laundry finished we headed back into the valley. We had two nights reserved here so just parked up and got the bikes out then headed to the yosemite village to check out the Ansel Adams gallery and Yosemite Lodge.
Today we drove to Mariposa grove where we saw some more big trees. Some have tunnels cut in them or are completely hollow so you can see right out of the top. There were even some deer right next to the path which didn't seem at all scared of all the people taking pictures.
Afterwards we took the drive to Glacier point which has a perfect panoramic view of the valley.
We have a 4 hour drive tomorrow to San Francisco but before we go we are going to the waterfall again to get a soaking.